Driving License

Driving License

Directed by Lal Jr., and written by Sachi, Driving License has a good story. This film has two main characters, one is a man in the pool of privilege and the other is an average citizen who is expected to bow before every authority. Between the privileged and the average, you get to choose who is who.

Having lost his driving license, superstar Hareendran needs a new one issued so he can finish shooting a movie and get involved with his family. And because even the vehicle inspector Kuruvila (Suraj) is his fan, things should all just fall into place. But coming down from privileges seems  to be difficult and things have a knack to upend when ego starts rolling.

Saiju Kurup is a spot-on laughter initiator. Though his crafty politician is a cliche the actor makes it hilarious. MiYa's performance is also good and she brings in the craftiness of a less educated homemaker who is pleased and annoyed with the little things in life. Salim Kumar plays a character that is quite trivial, and yet critical at the same time.

Time and again, Driving License tries to poke fun at many aspects of the society.


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